How to Title a work of Art
Follow and complete these 5 steps below in a google doc to title the image at the bottom of page
1. List 10+ of the objects/ subject matter that you see: Just like the first and second stage of critique, your main goal is to dissect the image into all of its parts. Visually, what makes up the image? The more detail you have the easier the further steps will be.
2. Narrow it down HIGHLIGHT IN GREEN the top 3 most important words from your list of 10 (Pretend you're the viewer of the piece, not the creator of it. What would stand out to you the most?)
3. Add 3 new words that are all verbs or emotions that describe the photograph. (Figure out what type of image the artist is trying to convey) This is like the third step of critique. What emotion, what feeling, what deeper meaning is contained in the image? What words can you use to express the feeling of the piece of art? Now is the chance for you to control the viewer and guide them towards your thoughts.
4. Use and add 5 alternative synonyms to words you already have written on your list.
5. Put it all together and create 2 possible titles for the work of art. Take all of the words you have written and try combining them in different ways. Think of it like a game or a puzzle, your goal is to create the best combination.
Using alliteration is a fun way to get message across
keep it simple, you wouldn't want the title to be 14 words long. 2-4 words is plenty.
People like mysterious titles, but they also like when they know what the theme of the painting/piece of art is going to be.
Relevance is key. Naming the above piece "Attack of Flying Monkeys" would make no sense at all. Or would it…
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