4/14-4/15 Watch all 4 videos of watercolor techniques.
4/16- 4/17 Using 1 larger sheet of watercolor paper divide the paper into 9 sections and choose 9 techniques from the video to practice. Label your squares just like the video. On Friday take a photo of your practice and share via remind
research a potential landscape to paint on your 2nd large sheet of watercolor paper. Share reference photo via remind
4/22 lightly, I MEAN LIGHTLY, sketch your landscape onto watercolor paper. Send photo of sketch when complete (10 points)
4/23- 4/24 Using your small sheet of watercolor paper, watch the Moon & Nebula videos and recreate one on small sheet. take a photo of your finished moon and share via remind.
4/28-5/1 - Paint your watercolor landscape, share photo on WEDNESDAY of progress(10 point)
AND share photo on FRIDAY of final result (final project is worth 80 points) SEE RUBRIC BELOW
Techniques Video 1 of 4
Techniques Video 2 of 4
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Techniques Video 3 of 4
Techniques Video 4 of 4