Clay Face/ Mask
You will be creating a clay mask for this project. The mask can be a self created mask, one you have found online, one from a movie, etc.
4/8 - Decide what type of mask you will be making. Google "Clay Mask Art" and gather 5+ resources into a google doc- Share this google doc when complete (
4/9- Create a quick sketch of your idea- send photo of sketch when complete
4/14 - use a plastic bag to cover the face mold, tape may be needed in back. Roll out slab big enough to cover face and place onto face mold. Use your hands and fingers to apply pressure to form the clay to the shape of the face. Send photo once clay is formed to face mold
4/15-17- Use clay to add onto existing face to create more realistic representations of the mask you are trying to replicate. Send photo by Friday with all additions attached
4/21 - 4/24 - Use tools to carve and shape details of mask- Send photo Friday of Progress
4/28- 5/1 Finish carving and detailing SEND 4+ photos of all angles when project is complete
5/1- Project due SEND 4+ photos of all angles when project is complete