Clay Houses - 4 week project
Step 1: roll out slab base (organic shape is usually better than geometric)
Step 2: Roll out slab and use templates that you created to cut your walls.
Step 3: Attach walls to base and at corners
Step 4: cut out windows, doors, or anything else from walls
Step 5: Roll out slab and cut roof. Your roof should overhang the walls on sides and bottom (like a real roof)
Step 6: Create and add on all necessary objects.**
Step 7: Create all necessary textures **
**FOR STEPS 6 AND 7 please reach out to me if you are stuck on how to create any textures.
4/7 - 4/10 - build base and walls- SEND PHOTO WHEN WALLS ARE UP
4/14 - 4/17 - Cut out windows and add roof - SEND PHOTO WHEN ROOF IS UP
4/21 - 4/24 - additions and textures-
4/28 - 5/1 - Finish all additions and textures SEND 4+ photos of all angles when project is complete
5/1- Project due SEND 4+ photos of all angles when project is complete